Asia Publishers Week
Masako Yoshioka
Country : Japan
Name : Yoshioka Masako
Company : Iwasaki Publishing Co., Ltd.
Job Title : Senior Manager
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Work Experience in Publishing
Worked as a sub-agent for foreign publishers for eleven years. Introduced more than 300 titles of more than 60 foreign publishers’ titles o more than 30 Japanese publishers, mainly picture books. I did day-to-day production control for co-edition titles as well. Having worked between the middle of UK publisher, Chinese printer and the Japanese publishers, I had encountered and solved all kinds of trouble and experienced cultural differences. It has been joy working on children’s titles with people from all over the world. Moved to Iwasaki 6 years ago to be an editor. I have learned many things day by day.
Current Projects
Big Bad Wolf Investigates Fairy Tales: translation title, originally published by Bloomsbury Children’s Boooks UK
LOKI A Bad GOD’s Guide to Being Good: translation title, originally published by Walker Books UK
맛있고 재밌고 편리한 것들의 기원과 원리 100 (EK Books)
모르는 적 공주 by 죄숙희 (Bear Books)
Fun and Small Talks on Foreign Languages for Children: original title
Main Interest
Collaborating with foreign publishers, authors, illustrators and printers.
Experience Related to This Year’s Topic
I have been working on acquiring foreign rights at our editorial department for about 6 years. I have learned that board books with mechanics for babies and toddlers sell well rather than straight picture books. We have put more board books into the market assuming more and more parents avoid their child/children from digital devices especially in their early months. Any content which stands without a help of digital technique is precious nowadays.
What would you like to discuss related to this year’s topic?
I would like to discuss on “What will make the most of the “physical” book experience?” or “The great possibilities of board books with mechanics in the field of children’s books” The structure of books might allow you explore many more ways to entertain possible readers.